In a recent article featured in Attorney At Law Magazine, STG Divorce Law Managing Shareholder and Best Selling Author Raiford Palmer discusses why he thinks divorced dads should get more time with their kids and why equal time laws may not be the best way to do it.
If you’re a divorced dad, you might be wondering how you can get more time with your kids. After all, they’re half yours, so shouldn’t you have an equal say in how they’re raised? Unfortunately, the law doesn’t always see it that way. In many states, child custody is determined by what’s known as the “Best Interests of the Child” standard, which takes into account factors like which parent is the child’s primary caregiver and which parent can provide the most stable home environment. This can often leave fathers feeling like they’ve been short-changed when it comes to parenting time.
In recent years, some lawmakers have tried to make this easier with a new idea called “equal time” parenting. The idea is that when a couple divorces, the parents should be presumed to have a 50/50 role in raising their children.
“Equal-time” laws promise to resolve that by presuming that each parent will be treated the same. Children will spend their time with each parent 50/50, and decisions will be made jointly. That can work — if the two parents get along, live close to each other and important places like schools and have jobs that are compatible with trading the kids off for blocs of time.
The truth is that most parenting arrangements are, like most divorces, messy and ever-changing. Divorced spouses have different approaches to parenting, different job needs and sometimes totally different lives.
Full Article: Divorced Dads Should Get More Time With Kids. Why Equal-Time Laws May Not Be the Best Way to Do It
When it comes to divorce, dads often get the short end of the stick. The laws are constantly changing and can often be confusing. The good news is help is available, and you don’t have to go about it alone. If you are a parent in need of clarity when it comes to shared parenting and custody, contact our team and tell us your story.