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STG Divorce Law

Getting Divorced? Be Careful What You Post About Your Ex on Facebook

In a world in which social media has become a part of daily life, people tend to post or tweet their every movement and feeling on Facebook or Twitter, or both. While your friends may find it just mildly annoying to read about what you had for breakfast, your soon-to-be-ex-spouse might have a more negative reaction if he reads about his own divorce proceedings on Facebook. As a recent Huffington Post article points out, letting out all your emotions in a public forum like Facebook can end up with you being sued for libel. or it can lead to a less favorable divorce settlement or judgment in court.

No matter how much anger you have toward your ex, it is important not to lie about what he or she has done or said. For instance, if you post on Facebook that your ex never pays child support, yet, in fact, the child support is paid regularly, you could be sued for libel. Although these cases are rare, as they can be difficult to prove, these statements still can hurt you, even if they don’t amount to a lawsuit.

Other people will have access to your Facebook posts, including your relatives, your in-laws, prospective employers, and even your divorce judge. Spreading lies or saying nasty things about your ex will get you nowhere. Doing so is likely to cause you personal problems with your family and all those who are involved in your divorce. Prospective employers may shy away from you and your spouse if they observe you acting out online, which is a very public place. Current employers may think less of you, thus damaging your career prospects. Even worse, if brought to the attention of your divorce judgment, the results could be catastrophic. If you and your ex are fighting over custody of children, your attitude toward your ex as displayed on Facebook can cast you in a negative light before the judge, which will not help your case.

While we all want to rant and rave when in the midst of a divorce, it is much better to vent your feelings to a friend or a therapist in private than to your friends on Facebook. Social media has led to an overall lack of privacy in our lives, but you can still choose to keep parts of your life private, especially during your divorce proceedings.

If you are seeking a divorce or have divorce-related questions, you will need the assistance of a skilled DuPage County divorce lawyer. Contact our office today, and get all of your questions about divorce answered.

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