According to the Huffington Post, breaking up is just about as common as staying together, but it’s never easy. That’s why, states the HuffPost, “that so many people lie, cheat, and suffer to avoid it.” Up to 25 percent of people surveyed responded as being either “unhappy” or “extremely unhappy” in their relationships, but they don’t want to become a statistic. These couples decide, then, that it’s best to stick through it and fight off the possibility of splitting up. And yet “happiness is not just a matter of luck,” states the HuffPost. It requires work. If you want to stay together, decisions have to be made, routines have to be established, and communication has to be nurtured. In short, a relationship is hard work. And if you don’t put in the effort, the chances are that it won’t last.
While some reports state that women initiate divorce more than men, thinking about breaking up is anybody’s game. According to the HuffPost, men and women think about breaking up equally. “More than a third say they think about breaking up all the time or often, and another 33 percent say they sometimes think about it.” Only 12 percent of couples never think about breaking up—which makes contemplating a split pretty normal. The media, according to the HuffPost, could be partly to blame. “No one’s relationship can measure up to the mega-moments of love, sex, and excitement that Hollywood generates—especially not all of the time.”
The main reason that many people who contemplate divorce don’t actually go through with it is because they’re worried they may regret it. No one wants to live with a lifetime of regret. If this is the case for you, you’ll need to take a long hard look at your relationship, what you want from it, and how to go about getting it. If you can’t come to any conclusive decision, divorce may be the best option for you.
If you or someone you know is considering divorce, don’t go through it alone. Contact a dedicated family law attorney today.
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